Gear Swap
Gear Swap Instructions
- Fill out our Gear Swap survey to help us in planning future events
- Bring gear to the event
- Write on a tag:
- Your First Name & Last Initial
- Amount To Sell Item
- Brief Description
- Have a Rubber Club Committee member review your items
- Lay out items on a table and be nearby to do the exchange with buyer
- When you make a sale, please give your items sold tags and unsold tags to one of the rubber club committee members so we can collect metrics to better serve the gear swap in the future. Please clearly communicate what tags are for items sold and not sold.
We are collecting information to get a better handle on size, scale, and type of gear people want to swap so we can better build out our gear swap events. If you have a minute, please fill out this survey before the event to give us some data for catering to the community. None of this information will be required to exchange gear, but it greatly helps us in planning to know how many tables to setup and how much crew we will need to support a pleasant experience.